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Table Top Sofa Tray

$59.99 Buy It, Yo

Product Information

This Couchmaid table top sofa tray is great for those of you who like to enjoy a nice cold beer while watching your favorite show. Wait did you dry off the bottom of your bottle before putting it down on your Couchmaid? Worry not. The middle of this model is designed to absorb moisture. Can you believe that? Which other lap tray comes with something to cover up your messes? Slip it over your sofa arm as a sofa tray. Ideal for square arms. Pack it into your go bag for a lap desk and tray on the move. Serve your honey breakfast in bed. (Definitely a great way to score some brownie points.) Even convert an ottoman into a coffee table. Comes in 3 different finishes to match your style and flair. Plus it has the added advantage of a moisture absorbent center for all those messy drinks.

Dimensions: Length 16.5″, Width 13.25″.

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